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Make a Delivery Happen


OVS Mentoring Program

How would you like to be an integral part of making an OVS delivery happen
in your area? Operation: Veteran Smiles Founder & Director, Amelia Day, has created a "How To" manual to help you plan, coordinated & implement an OVS delivery to your local Veteran's (VA) Hospital.

The steps to make your delivery are spelled out in the manual, which can be downloaded below.
OVS is seeking to reach as many Veterans as possible, but this can't happen without the help of our Volunteers.
We are appreciate you and we are excited that you want to be a part of the OVS mission.
We are here to help, so please contact us if you have questions.

"How To Manual"


Become A Volunteer

It's so easy to volunteer with OVS.
You can make cards, donate hygiene items or zip lock bags, or participate in a delivery.
Or, if you are really feeling ambitious, you can organize a card making event, a hygiene packing event, a donation drive or a full blow delivery.
That's the great thing about being a part of Operation: Veteran Smiles, it can be as simple or complex as your schedule allows.
However, in the end, every single bit of it is a huge benefit to your Veterans across the nation!
Thank you for your support!

Donate Items thru Amazon


OVS has it's own wish list on Amazon.
You can choose items to purchase and donate, and they are then shipped directly
to Operation: Veteran Smiles to be used in a delivery.
OVS depends greatly on donations to continue it's mission of reaching Veterans who

are in need of basic hygiene items, a kind word and a smile.

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